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Speednet Provides Technical Training and Support for Sierra Leone National Registration

Speednet was contracted to provide technical training and support for the in the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) and the National Electoral Commission (NEC). Speednet was contracted to traveled to each of the 13 provinces train 660 staff composed of NCRA and NEC staff help use Biometrical Registration Kits in order to create a comprehensive database with information from all of its citizens. By gathering biometric and biographic data of the entire population using an identity management solution fully customized to the specific needs of Sierra Leone, authorities were able to create a new National Civil Register and a Voter Register to be used during the March 2018 elections. Smartmatic provided the 3,800 registration kits that Speednet technicians additional to the training provided technical support throughout the project. Each registration kit was coupled with a power kit, which included solar panels to allow officials to reach the most remote rural areas of the country where power is scarce.

The trained 660 trainers then in turn prepared the other 10,500 operators who ran 2,600 registration sites registering over 3 Million Sierra Leoneans.

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